Karolina Pandadisová
Dec 8, 202412 min read
Hobson's choice of Japanese women
Why does Japan's workforce still struggle with gender equality, and how do societal norms and policies shape limitations?
Sára Eva Rujbr
Oct 27, 202410 min read
Empowering Disabled LGBTQ+ Youth: The Crucial Role of Comprehensive Sex Education
What are the intersections between being queer and disabled? Why is sex education a key factor in battling stereotypes?
Georgia Hejduková
Apr 28, 20245 min read
Disempowerment of the Right to Self-Government in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, or the Annulment of the Municipality of Příbram's Generally Binding Decree
How does the Constitutional Court interpret the right to self-government in its recent case law and is it correct?
Ondřej Kaška
Jan 14, 20248 min read
Czech politicians can send a signal (for over a decade now) that they want to help victims of violence
Europe is heading west, but where is the Czech Republic heading?
Magdaléna Milbachová
Jan 7, 20248 min read
Human Rights Critique of Capitalism
Is it possible for human rights and capitalism to go hand in hand?
Lenka Hanušová
Dec 31, 20236 min read
The inconsistency of New Year celebrations
How to celebrate the New Year with more thoughtfulness?
Jan Forejtar
Nov 26, 20236 min read
The European Union's Responses to Poland's Political Landscape
The comprehensive and dynamic strategy underlines the EU's resolute position in addressing and correcting the rule of law problems in Poland
Sára Eva Neničková
Nov 12, 20236 min read
Women and Family in Contemporary Times
What is the impact of inappropriate family policy on the position of women in the Czech Republic?
Lukáš Děkanovský
Oct 15, 20235 min read
The Ideal of Pro-Democracy
What is the purpose of the state? A seemingly simple question with an infinitely complex answer.